
Thursday, December 27, 2012


Phew! What a busy week I have had! I am a procrastinator and I love to put things off until the last minute. Like I waited until Saturday to but Christmas presents, what a nightmare! Haha, I guess it was my fault, but I didn't even get a chance to get any running in. Although, I did sign up for a virtual 5k for January, The Virtual Movie Madness 5k, it sounds awesome right?! Yea, I know it's a virtual run, but, hey, it's a 5k! Also I signed up for 13 in 2013, so I AM committed to 13 5k's in 2013! Woot, 2013, here I come!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

i love good days

I made it outside yesterday morning and ran 1.6 miles! I thought I did pretty good, I ran more than I have been outside and it felt pretty good. I'm trying to work on my stride, because I was told that it was too short, and even though I am short it needs to be longer. They told me that it would help me run faster and longer distances because I would be taking less steps. It is so tiring trying to lengthen my stride! I will get there though, I have too. I have to many plans not to be able to run long distances. There are too many medals that I want to get. If you check out my pinterest board with my fitness goals on it, then you will know what I am talking about :)
Here's the link for it if you want to take a look, maybe add some suggestions. Like these right here:

How awesome would it be to be able to get these?! I would love it, but I need to be able to run first...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Well I made it out to run this morning. I woke up a little late so I didn't quite get in the full mile that I had wanted much less the 2 miles that I needed to do. I don't know about for you guys, but work has been super busy for me lately. I have so much to do, while still learning to do the new things that I have been tasked with doing. I kind of miss the slow steady pace that I had before, but, hey when you get promoted you have to learn new things. I am very thankful I got promoted, but whew, is there a lot of new stuff to learn! I'm getting the hang of it though. 
My first "real" 5k is coming up in February and I have set a goal for myself of 35 minutes. If I can run this 5k in under 35 minutes I will get a new pair of shoes!!!! So excited, so hopefully I get beat it to get those new shoes! These are the shoes that I want:
They are so colorful! Perfect to run The Color Run in in March! Here's to getting those new shoes and a better tomorrow! I am determined to become a morning person and get up early every morning to go running.

Monday, December 17, 2012

my training

I have been trying my best to follow this training program I got from, but then almost as soon as I started I got a cold. What?! Who else does that happen to but me! I went to bed on Sunday night fully motivated to wake up the next morning and start running training. But then, I woke up and felt like a semi truck had hit me in the middle of the night at full speed. So now, i'm feeling much better, and i'm ready to try again! Here's to a new week of not being all sickly and stuff.

I had originally planned to run this morning outside behind where we live, but when I woke up at 6am (personal record for me, I am so not a morning person) it had rained all night and was still raining. So, kind of bummed, I went to the gym and just totally was not feeling it. I didn't want to chance running in the rain because I am a very clumsy person and I knew I would be the first one to slip and fall. I only ran a mile on the treadmill, and did a few arm excercises, but all in all I felt very unaccomplished. So, maybe tommorow!

Here's my plan for the week:
Monday: Crosstrain, low impact cardio or weight lifting Check!
Tuesday: Run/walk 3 miles (.85 miles)
Wednesday: Run 2 miles
Thursday: Run 2 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Run 5 miles
Sunday: Recovery Run 2 miles

So, let's see how this plans out! Hopefully it will all happen.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

you have to start somewhere

In November I ran my first 5k. I was out of shape, unprepared, untrained and doing it with a stroller that felt like it weighed 200 pounds. I don't even know how long it took me to semi run walk the 3.1 miles, but it felt like FOREVER! That was the moment I decided I needed more, I had to do better, move quicker, and most importantly get in shape! I needed to do it, not just for me, but for the 2.5 year old I was pushing along with me. This is hopefully going to be my way of keeping track of my journey along the way, so follow along!

 This is me and little K at the Color Run in November 2012, it was windy and cold but we had a blast!